
Una piacevole opportunità – A pleasant opportunity

Dopo un paio di giorni trascorsi fra driver impazziti e test di stampa, mi è capitata tra le mani questa Polaroid, con tutto il suo “nécessaire” da torero.

Qualche volta affidarsi alla buona sorte, può essere una piacevole opportunità.


After I spent a couple of days fixing drivers and working on printing tests, I found this Polaroid with its bullfighter set.

Sometimes trust to providence, can be a pleasant opportunity.

5 Responses

  1. purple angel

    Che bella!
    I don’t know what is this box though…
    A kind of treasure box?

    Saint seems to did deep breath when you opened this box.

  2. purple angel

    He who believes and is baptized will be saved.

    This proverb is very famous in Japan too.
    But the figure of God is different from Asian’s God.
    I thought so in my Italian trip.

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