
Il pensatore in viola – The thinker in purple

Concentrazione quasi genuina, tra TV e smartphone, fitness e cineforum, Ribolla e Barolo.

Il pensatore in viola reinventa se stesso, mentre io rifletto sul flusso degli eventi; sulla natura che ha seguito finalmente il suo corso.


An almost genuine concentration, between TV and smartphone, fitness and film discussion, Ribolla and Barolo.

The thinker in purple reinvents himself, while I reflect on the course of events; on the nature that has finally followed its course.

8 Responses

  1. Simone

    A David Lynch film, Starring Kyle MacLachlan, Isabella Rossellini, Dannis Hopper and Laura Dern in Blu Velvet, with Bobby Vinton soundtrack!

  2. Purple angel

    Is this man is same person was lying on the cruiser with smartphone in your photo?
    I feel something like a story in your photos of man and smartphone.

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