
Solitudine di tempi andati e speranza di giorni a venire – Loneliness of times gone by and hope for the days to come

Quest’immagine è per i ragazzi dell’Abbott-Abbvie club.

Saper “vedere” è un dono, interpretare un dovere che non concede scuse ai vorrei ma non posso.

Solitudine di tempi andati e speranza di giorni a venire.


This image is for the guys of Abbott-Abbvie club.

Being able to “see” is a gift, to interpret what we see is a duty that leaves no excuses to the I’d like but I can’t.

Loneliness of times gone by and hope for the days to come.

9 Responses

  1. purple angel

    Two of the gifts you have that you can find beautiful things and you can release the shutter at the moment.

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