
Ebbrezza ad illusione – Drunkenness to illusion

Sapete già quanto sia importante per me la prima impressione.
Puntelli e lamiera; simboli onnipresenti di un post terremoto che ha lasciato ferite profonde un po’ ovunque.

Polvere, colore, kurta, shawl e luce semi-artificiale arricchita dal “mio movimento”, che aggiunge profondità a profondità, interesse ad interesse, ebbrezza ad illusione.


You already know how important the first impression is to me.
Supports and shaped tinplate; omnipresent symbols of a post-earthquake that has left deep wounds almost everywhere.

Dust, color, kurta, shawl and semi-artificial light enhanced by “my movement”, which adds depth to depth, interest to interest, drunkenness to illusion.

1 Response

  1. Purple angel

    You are impressed by the people live there.
    And click a shutter is like you talk to them.
    So I imagine how they live when I see someone in your photo.

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