
Immagini e immaginazione – Images and imagination

Sono stato scarso di parole lo ammetto, ma ho mantenuto la promessa, lasciando più spazio alle immagini ed all’immaginazione.

La scrittura richiede una dedizione che, almeno per me, mal si concilia con le nuove scoperte.

Come ha fatto giustamente notare Maria, “Tradurre pensieri ed emozioni in parole è un’alchimia senza regole, se incalzata si traduce in banale esercizio di stile”.

E mentre quest’ultimo sarebbe anche tollerabile, la banalità è un orrore con pochissimi rivali.


I admit that I was parsimonious with words, but I kept my promise, giving more space to images and to imagination.

Writing requires dedication and this doesn’t get along with new discoveries.

Like Maria points out, “Translating thoughts and emotions into words is an alchemy without rules. When you force it, you’ll get only a banal style exercise”.

If the latter would be acceptable, banality is an horror with few rivals.

5 Responses

  1. purple angel

    Ciao Photogeisha!

    These photos have very different light contrast from Japan.
    I can feel strong sun light, deep shadow and briny air in these photos.
    People look very healthy and fashionable…maybe you chose such sights.
    We need such vacation in our life!

  2. mm

    Welcome back Purple Angel. How are you?
    I don’t think the images from Montenegro are so different from the Japanese ones.
    Light is different, of course, but the style is quite similar.
    By the way, my holiday was great.

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