
Un sorriso senza se, senza ma e senza forse – A smile with no ifs, no buts and no maybes

Parigi val bene una messa…..anche due direi io.
I quattro passi sono diventati otto, poi sedici, trentadue, sessantaquattro e così via.

Il Champ de Mars e gli Champs Elisées. Il lungo Senna e la Cattedrale di Notre Dame. Les Halles, il Centro Pompidou e l’Hotel de Ville.
Cena nel Marais – uno degli ultimi baluardi parigini – accompagnata da un ottimo bianco di Loira.

Gli esperimenti fotografici iniziati in quel di Lione proseguono a gonfie vele.
E’ ancora presto per scoprire le carte, ma i risultati sono incoraggianti, come la seduzione di un sorriso senza se, senza ma e senza forse.

Basterà incoraggiare l’abitudine, per farlo sentire a casa.


Paris is well worth a mass…..even two I would say.
Four steps become eight, then sixteen, thirty-two, sixty-four, and so on.

Le Champ de Mars and the Champs Elysees. The Seine River and the Cathedral of Notre Dame. Les Halles, the Pompidou Centre and the Hotel de Ville.
A dinner in the Marais, accompanied by a very good wine from the Loire region.

The photographic experiments I begun in Lyons keep going.
It’s still early for the showdown, but the results are encouraging, as the seduction of a smile with no ifs, no buts and no maybes.

Let’s help this smile to get used to me.


8 Responses

  1. purple angel

    Ah I didn’t know Abercrombie & Fitch is in Paris too…
    But the advertising style seem more mature and chic than in Japan.
    Is it not cold there?
    People is relaxing at waterside!
    In Tokyo it’s very cold recently and we saw some snow…so I can’t imagine to sit on the stone pavement and looking the water wave…
    brrrrrrrrrrr Maybe French is more patient and romantic than Japanese!

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