
Cromoterapia da corrida e Pinot nero di Borgogna – Bullfight color therapy and Burgundy Pinot Noir

La mia notte si tinge di rosso.

Cromoterapia da corrida e Pinot nero di Borgogna.

Passioni compulsive senza certezze. Idee nuove senza catene.


My night dresses in red.

Bullfight color therapy and Burgundy Pinot Noir.

Compulsive passions with no certainty. New ideas with no chains.

15 Responses

  1. mm

    Pika…ammazza che occhio!!!
    Si può sapere perché hai l’ossessione di capire chi viene ritratto in fotografia?
    E’ già successo qualche post fa o sbaglio?

    Welcome back again Purple Angel.
    Are you still at work?

  2. mm

    Purple Angel, no Sicily and no Alitalia this year???

    Fantastica l’espressione: “carta moschicida che non lascia scampo a zanzare e sognatori erranti nella notte”.

  3. purple angel

    I went to there by KLM this time 😉 It was nice.
    Then I went to an Italian restaurant in Copenhagen.
    They talk in Italian. So I missed Italy there…
    But I have many place I want to visit is like you.

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