
Prima o poi passa. Prima o poi torna – Sooner or later passes. Sooner or later comes back

Particolari rosso carminio su superfici vetro e metallo.
Tempo incerto, persuasione estetica, mare in tempesta.

Forza che è lunedì!
Prima o poi passa. Prima o poi torna.


Red carmine details on glass and metal surfaces.
Uncertain weather, aesthetic persuasion, stormy sea.

Come on it’s Monday!
Sooner or later passes. Sooner or later comes back.

7 Responses

  1. Ay ay ay! Pero que poca participacif3n! Pero si todos tene9is que saber que putene e9s! Es EL PUENTE EL CLAVO de toda la vida! Muy bien Nola! Para una vez que no habeda premio jajaja. :D. Hay que decir que mucha gente joven del pueblo cree que el putene el Clavo es el situado un poco mas arriba, donde de pequef1os hemos hecho presas para podernos baf1ar. Pues bien, en realidad el putene el Clavo es el que aparece en la foto.Pero por que9 se llama ased? Segfan nos han comentado, y si tene9is alguna duda se lo pregunte1is a Teodoro, dicen que al inaugurarlo o al poco de su inauguracif3n, se hundif3 porque al parecer los materiales utilizados no eran de buena calidad y alguien dijo: MIRA! VAYA CLAVO QUE LE HAN METIDO AL AYUNTAMIENTO, que era la entidad que habeda corrido con los gastos.Pues desde ese momento y a pesar de que se reparf3, pasf3 a llamarse EL PUENTE EL CLAVO, tal y como se le conoce en la actualidad. Animaros a participar! Mas que nada para poder contrastar distintas informaciones. 😉

  2. I also agree with the above writers who exserps a word of caution here .slow down take some deep breaths ..and breathe!!! He seems like a nice guy, and one worth investing your time in, and it is time that will reveal s l o w l y the flaws that we all possess, and how his flaws might affect you. No offense meant here, and I am no relationship expert by any means, but it seems you missed ALOT of stuff about the cowboy that probably alot of your fellow posters saw blaring out at you! There is nothing like a new love to help heal the pains of loosing one, but it is like grief. You might want to avoid the pain of it because it hurts so badly, yet, if you don’t go through each step of it, it will come back at you again and you will have to start with it all over again from the beginning.!

  3. Alisa, while I am happy that you are moving on, the wodenr if you are doing so too fast. Not that I want you to be wounded forever, but I am concern that you are not giving yourself to breathe. You know yourself better then anyone, so if you are happy I am happy and I hope everything goes well. But please don’t give yourself away too fast. Love you.

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