
Tante amarezze e modiche soddisfazioni – Many disappointments and moderate pleasures

Come dice di tanto in tanto il mio carissimo amico Max, citando il suo vecchio professore gesuita:

“La vita riserva tante amarezze e modiche soddisfazioni.”

Proprio per quest’ultime vale la pena vivere.


As my dear friend Max sometimes says, quoting his old Jesuit professor:

“Life holds many disappointments and moderate pleasures.”

Just for the latter is worth living.

4 Responses

  1. Dora

    Frase letta giusto oggi:
    The King asked his wise men for some single thing that would make him happy when he was sad, but sad when he was happy. They consulted and came back with a ring engraved with the message ‘This Too Will Pass.’

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