
Le linee e le illusioni del cuore – The lines and illusions of the heart

Sguardi lucidi su baci rosso sangue.
Momenti preziosi rubati nei taxi, tra strade di vetro e cemento, negli angoli specchiati di un ascensore, in alberghi dove il lusso ti avvolge come un guanto.

Architetture compresse tra le linee e le illusioni del cuore.

Mani delicate di madre, giardini stregati; suggestioni, incantesimi e magie gelosamente custoditi nella culla del sole.


Bleary eyes on blood red kisses.
Precious moments stolen in a taxi, between streets of glass and concrete, in the mirrored corners of an elevator, in hotels where luxury fits you like a glove.

Architectures compressed between the lines and illusions of the heart.

Delicate hands of mother, enchanted gardens; awesomenesses, spells and magics jealously guarded in the cradle of sun.

4 Responses

  1. purple angel

    I hope you took many awesome moments in Tokyo in this autumn.
    This is passionate color but I feel some coldness objective red.
    Is it in Ginza?…No?

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