
Io che so il mestiere – The one who knows the ropes

Viaggi d’ispirazione illuminata, arte e caramelle.

Gelati gusto crema su una fotografia sporca d’istinto e d’essenziale.

Perché, io che so il mestiere, racconto alle stelle le invenzioni di un universo che non c’è.


Journeys of enlightened inspirations, art and candies.

Ice cream spots on a photography made of intuition and simplicity.

Because I’m the one who knows the ropes and I tell to the stars the inventions of a universe that is not there.

1 Response

  1. suming song

    Thank you deeply from all your support ! Through your harmonious photo, I could feel the moment of your peace around ! Really hope one day I could live like yours, enjoy and observe the beauty of life, no more rush and hurry !

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